Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Well, it’s been almost ten years since I had my clubs out of the bag. I can remember the last time I played, but I don’t remember the year. It was the WF Summer camp golf tournament at Brookstone Country Club. I was playing with Tom and Mason Tanner and Brad Willougby. It was fun, but just didn’t have the time to continue. I think it was in 2001 and I was getting ready to leave the L1011 for the 737. Once I did that I was in training, 9-11 happened and so much changed. It was like golf was the last thing on my mind.

Anyway, today I played with some of the guys from Bethel Atlanta. We played down in Newnan, and I had had a great time. We played 18 holes, and we were blessed that the temperature was a little bit cooler that it has been all week. It was still hot, but it was in the low 90’s instead of the high 90’s. That made it bearable. So we all played fairly bad; bad enough that we didn’t keep score. I started off badly. The first hole was really bad, but it got better with each hole. There was a stretch in the middle of the first nine where I got a bogey on four holes in a row. A bogey is one over par and I is good for me even when I was paying golf regularly.

I was really pretty excited, but I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want to jinx my score by saying anything about it. I really came close to getting a par on a couple of occasions. So I was really playing pretty good. I was hitting my driver and my long irons very well. It was the finesse shots; the wedges and putting where I really had a hard time. They were the ones that really require judgment and planning. These were areas where I knew that I didn’t have the time to really understand.

I don’t think it will be the last time. I need more time to interact with the guuys, and I really do like golf. Maybe I will be able to work it in more often than every ten years. Yes, that would be nice. Ten years, my how time flies.

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