Thursday, August 4, 2011

From Chicago to Atlanta

Well I am back home. It is really good to be back home, and I am grateful for my first class seat this morning. I had to take an early flight because the afternoon flights were full and I have to work tomorrow. So I got up early in the morning and went to the airport. I had heard that Chicago O’Hare was a zoo, but I hadn’t been there in a long time. The security line was 45 minutes long. You definitely need to be there almost 2 hours early if you are going to make your flight. It was good to be home and unwind a little. It’s especially good to be back with Sheryl and spend time with her, but I really do miss being at the conference. Tonight Rinehart Bonnke is speaking. In Nigeria at one conference he had over 2 million salvations; and that is just one of his many, many conferences. I know that the place is electric.

But the most fun part was manning our BASSM booth. We get to meet hundreds of people, tell them about the school and give prophetic words. Last night we got to pray for a couple of people for healing, but it looks like that we are praying for a lot more healings tonight. I just got word that it had turned into a healing booth. Awesome! God is so good. This just feels so right, to have all these people together loving God and going after His presence and power.

Some people might not agree, but in my opinion we have some of the great spiritual leaders of the day here at this conference. To be able to sit under their teaching and walk in the flow of their anointing is unbelievable. Just thinking about this week makes me think back to all the great men and women of God who have prayed for me and laid hands on me. It’s good to think back to all you have been given because we tend to forget all that we have in our inheritance. My life’s verse tells me to fan into flame the gifts and callings that were given to me by the laying on of hands.
Wow, I think of people like John Wimber; Bill Johnson; John and Carol Arnott; Kris Vallotton; Danny Silk; Peter Lord; Jack Taylor; Mark Rutland; and so many others that the list would go on all night. Every one of these greats has prayed for me more than once and laid on hands and released anointing. The problem is that in many cases I forget who I am. I forget what I carry. Of course, I think we all do. Otherwise we would all be walking in much more power than we see right now.

I am His beloved, and He joyfully lavishes His love and anointing on me. He wants to use me to bring His Kingdom. But not only me, He wants to use you too. You see, you are also His beloved. You have anointings and giftings that He wants to use, but you have forgotten, or don’t believe that you have. You see, if I am like that, then I know that most of you are also. So the thing that I really have to do is not strive or try to work anything up. No, what I have to do is to learn to accept who I am and act in the way that I should. All the rest will follow.

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