It’s all about identity. How can I release healing and the love of the Father if I don’t know my significance and worth? I am a child of the King, a Prince who carries all the authority of the Father. But how many times do I count myself down and settle for so much less than I should. Isn’t that the way we all are? I think that is the main way that the enemy keeps us from really establishing the Kingdom here. If we don’t believe we have authority, we won’t use it. It’s sort of like having money in a bank account. I could have a million dollars sitting in an account, but if I didn’t access it, it would be like I never had it.
This and other questions were what we were going after at school tonight. These are some of the most important questions that we can ask`. It’s like we have two salvations. The first is being saved FROM sin. The second is being saved TO our destiny as princes and princesses. Of course there is only one salvation, but it is both FROM and TO. The problem with most believers is that they only know that they have been saved FROM something but they don’t realize that they have been saved TO something. So after they are saved, they just wait around for the “sweet by and by”.
That’s just what Satan wants. He is one generation of believers away from being brought down. If we, the church, would just get the TO part, then in one generation we could fulfill the great commission and the return of Christ would be upon us. But if the enemy can keep us only focusing on being saved FROM sin, then He wins again. I say “Not on My Watch”. We all need to take responsibility to begin to train and disciple believers who know who they are. We need to know that we have been called to disciple nations and take cities. That is our calling. To settle for anything less is unacceptable. We can change a nation in a day. It’s all done with Him as King and under His authority. It’s not something we can do by ourselves. It’s done with His supernatural gifting. But we are His kids, and we have that authority and His power. Let’s get ‘er done!
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