Sorry about last night. By the time I got home from school, I was toast and just didn’t have anything to say. School was awesome. Worship was great, and Steve had a good message. Then we watched Bill Johnson talk about impartation and the importance if honoring speakers for their gifting. He ended with talking about the Toronto Revival and outpouring that began in 94 and is still going on today. As he talked, I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit’s presence growing in the room. I knew that Holy Spirit wanted to move, as after the video came up and had everyone stand up. Then I just asked the Holy Spirit to have his way. The presence of the Holy Spirit fell on the group and you could see wave after a wave of His presence move among the students. I knew that with a little more exhortation we would have been there for another hour. But I also had to honor the time frame of the school, so I didn’t pursue stirring up the gifts and anointing, instead I just let the students bask in the glow of His presence.
Tonight was just as good. Scott taught on Outreach and then we practiced words of knowledge. The students really did a good job, and it was a fun night. But the best thing tonight was our AMT “The Boiler Room”. The Boiler Room is our prayer AMT and it runs for 5 weeks. Tonight was the second week and it focused on justice and the heart of God for our land and our people. I spoke on Divine Justice and how we first had to understand who God is, and what is His real nature. God is good; He is in a good mood. He doesn’t give Satan permission to take us out or harass us. The scripture calls Satan a thief. If I have a car and give you permission to take it, then I can’t call you a thief. God doesn’t’ give permission. It is not His will that any should perish. In Hebrews Jesus is called the exact replication of the Father. So you could say that Jesus Christ is the perfect representation of Gather God. Therefore Jesus Christ is perfect theology. He never did anything but heal the sick. His last words were to forgive those who put Him to death, not to judge them.
For too long, the church has been trying to legislate morality instead of trying to build a heart connection to the Father. If we are in relationship, then keeping that relationship becomes a top priority and we don’t want to break it. Sin breaks the relationship so we find ourselves not wanting to sin because of the importance of relationship. This is as important in marriage as it is in our relationship with Him. It’s our love for Him and the relationship that we have that keeps us from sinning, not rules and laws. We as believers are not sinners; we are saints. We don’t have to sin. It’s not our nature anymore.
Tonight we closed the boiler room by declaring and decreeing over the land. WE were speaking truths into existence and praying the heart of the Father into this area. It was an awesome time, and we were all blessed by the presence of the Father.
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