Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Tonight as I looked at 100 people passionately worshiping God, all I could help think about was the lives that were going to be changed. Each of these, staff included are sacrificing a lot to be here and pressing into all that He has for each of us. As I look at all these students, I just see blank canvasses. Canvasses that He will paint on this year.

But what will He paint, and how will He do it. It's so amazing because I believe that he already has an outline for each of our paintings. That outline is our dreams. Dreams are not random. I believe that our dreams are sent to us from God. He has set us up to be a unique part of His kingdom. If you just imagine a giant jigsaw puzzle, the biggest you have ever seen. I believe that each of us and our dreams are a piece of the puzzle. When our dreams are fulfilled our piece is fit perfectly in the puzzle. So this year, the outline of the canvass of our destiny will begin to be filled with the divine paint of the Father. It will fill the outline of our dreams and many of us will begin the journey to have our pieces put into place.

We really don't realize how important we are to Him. We are pieces of His plan, if we press into His dreams for us we will be able to be the piece of the puzzle that He needs right in the place we are at. It doesn't make sense to me that He chooses to put the big puzzle together instead of just coming on scene and taking over. But I heard a wise man say that we shouldn't be crying for Him to come too soon, because when the author comes on the stage, the play is over. We donut want the to be over yet. There are still too many souls to bring into the Kingdom.

So we should pursue our dreams with passion. Our responsibility is to press into Him and allow Him to work through us. If we are going after His mission with passion, our dreams will be answered. It's not seeking our dreams, it's seeking Him. That's what we are trying to teach and impart this year. So, we are calling all dreamers, not just those in school. But dreamers of all ages, because your dreams don't stop with age. At least I hope not. I want to be pressing after dreams until I die. I don't want to ever stop pushing the limits. The limits might change, but I want to go out pushing them.

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