I went out to camp this morning to pick up Adair. It was good to see her, and good to talk to her about her experiences during the week. I fully expected her to fall immediately to sleep, but she was ready to talk xo I was ready to listen. I asked her what her most favorite thing about camp was. I was not surprised when she said it was the worship time. I’m not surprised because that is usually the answer I get when I ask that question to anyone that goes to our camp. It should be that way. The way I see it, our job as adults and consolers should be to get the kids connected to God. They need to be able to go and ask Him questions. They need to begin to rely on Holy Spirit to help and lead them. Many times I can give them the right answers, but I won’t always be there. We don’t want them dependent upon us; we want them dependent upon Him. Worship is one of the best ways to teach intimacy and pressing in to His presence. So it is of the highest importance that we have a good worship experience at camp. This is especially important for someone who comes from another area or another church, someone like Adair. That is why I was so pleased that her experience was so good. Worship in the Spirit is addictive. The more you experience it. The more you want it, and the more you can’t live without it.
Another way to get the kids connected to the Trinity is through a Sozo. This helps deal with wounds and lies that keep us from reaching our potential. We all have wounds and lies, even rising 7th graders. I sm so thankful for all those on the sozo team who sacrificed their time, energy and money to go down every day and sozo as many people as they could fit into the allotted time. A am especially thankful that Adair was able to get a sozo. It’s not that she has a great need, but it’s just a good thing to get, to help you get connected. My prayer is that through worship and her sozo, she got as connected to Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit as she possibly could. I want her to know God’s goodness like I know God’s goodness. I want her to know it tem times greater than I do. I know that she was given that opportunity this week at summer camp. Not many kids get an opportunity like this, I’m so thankful to Cory and our staff at RiverStone for making our youth a priority.
When we got home, we went to the pool with Lisa, Julia and Anna Roan. Then we came in and started washing Adair’s clothes ( I know that Julia would have then all clean when she went back.) Adair took a nap until it was time to go out to eat. All the clothes are done. She is packed and in bed, ready for an early wakeup. Tomorrow I do it again. Here we go trying to get family on airplanes. I’m praying that seats open up. No I am declaring that seats will open up for tomorrow. I am going to try to get her on the first flight to Ft Lauderdale. Miami looks overbooked and so does Palm Beach, so the first flight tomorrow is our best bet. Well we will be there, and she will get on some airplane tomorrow. I am praying for just a little opening. Tomorrow will see Adair back home wither family. I know that she is missing them, especially now that camp is over.
My children and grandchildren are my and Julia’s greatest legacy. It is so important to me to see them be able to have the opportunity to press into more of Him. I am thankful that their parents are willing to let them press into the MORE. If they can get a taste, they will never want just the old “normal”. I can sleep well tonight, I have seen another generation brought deeper into the things if God. This is good!
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