Well, here I am sitting on the porch. It’s after 9, and the crickets and tree frogs are really making a lot of noise. It’s a little warm, but the overhead fan is giving a nice breeze. Julia and I loved sitting out here at night. It was a great place just to unwind and talk. It will probably be too hot later in the week, but right now this is perfect. Just sitting here looking at the last of the sun going down, hearing all the noises from the woods makes me feel so alive. How could there not be a God. There are too many “coincidences” that are not coincidences at all in this world. There is no way this is all created randomly. God is good, very good. Just look around and see all that He has made.
Tomorrow I go back to work. I have an early period in the morning, so I will go to bed as soon as I finish writing. Today was another good day with all the kids. I played with Anna and Meleah outside this morning, and then we went to the pool and played some more this afternoon. In between, I was able to run and go to the store. Tonight I grilled chicken and vegetables outside on the grill. Lisa had marinated the chicken. It was delicious. We did here a report about Adair at camp. It seems she has made friends and is in the middle of everything. I am so happy for her. Today was probably our last full day together, Jennifer needs to go back tomorrow if possible. She can wait until Thursday, but that’s pushing it. I’ve been looking at flights and typically it is not looking good. I’ve gotten creative and even looked at Ft Meyers. It’s only 100 miles away, so it is a possibility. In fact it is a very strong possibility as we speak. I’ll probably check one more time before we go to bed because if they have to go early, then they have to get up and go with me as I go to work.
For the most part this week has been so much fun and so joyful. But there have been some sad moments as well. I needed Jennifer and Lisa to go through their mom’s clothes and jewelry. It all goes to them, and I needed them to decide what they wanted to keep and what to get rid of. They did most of that today. Although they didn’t complain, I know that it had to be tough on them. It was tough on me just thinking about them doing this. It’s done now. I’ll have a couple of other people help me deal with what is left. Either Lisa or Jennifer, I can’t remember who, commented on how you come into this worked and go out the same way. You really can’t take anything with you. I know that this reality is so true, and yet we all find ourselves trying to be the ones that break it. My prayer is that I can be so full of the Holy Spirit that Iwill not care about all these “things” that entangle us. The reality is that I am not there yet, and am trying to untangle myself from so many of life’s snares. I really do want freedom, in every area. To be free to travel, to do what I know that God has called me to do without having to worry about getting off work. That’s my prayer. I think that He is going to answer it. That really excites me.
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