Friday, March 18, 2011

Kingdom Expansion

At RiverStone we call our annual conference the “Kingdom Expansion” Conference. In reality the conference is put on by our network of churches, Transformation Network. Transformation network is a network of four churches that are committed to transforming the local community. It is really a church planting network. We have a vision for 20 churches in the local area to help infiltrate every aspect of society and bring Community transformation. I truly believe that this will be one of our best Kingdom Expansion conferences. Steve Thompson is our keynote speaker and his message tonight was awesome. To some it was probably mind bending because I am sure that it had to be a paradigm shift for many. I have heard him preach basically the same message at Bethel Atlanta a few months ago. But to have it spoken out into the atmosphere at RiverStone was unbelievable.

The message was well received, and I think it only lays a foundation to where he really wants to go. It’s definitely going to be a great weekend. We have prophetic teams ministering tomorrow morning, and then Steve speaks after that. At 7PM he speaks again and then on Sunday morning at RiverStone. The weather is supposed to be great tomorrow. Shoot, it was great today. I was able to get out and walk. I’m still not strong enough to run, but it will happen soon. Then I was able to ride around in the Miata with the top down for a couple of hours. Then, late this afternoon I got out on the Harley for an hour. It was very good day. I got to meet with friends and really had a good time. But tonight really topped it off. We really do need to embrace the message of a church on the offense instead of on the defense.

If we are really going to replenish the earth, then we have to be able to truly understand our identity in Christ. We have to embrace a supernatural lifestyle and make it natural. We have to know that we are Sons and Daughters of the King and that the earth is ours to replenish and subdue. We have to realize that we cam operate from Heaven, looking down. We are already seated in heavenly places, we don’t have to wait. But in order to understand that we have to first understand the true nature of God. He is good, and His heart is to redeem, not judge.

There was a shift in the atmosphere at RiverStone tonight. Words like that have never been uttered out into the atmosphere here and that caused a shift. It is a good shift, and I hope that it is permanent. Yes, it was a great day all around and it should be another good day tomorrow.

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