Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 45 - If it's Wed, it must be Ft Lauderdale.

I think it is Wednesday. To be honest, the days seem to blur together. I was able to sleep a little on the plane down this morning. If I can sleep in the middle seat between two other big men, I can sleep anywhere. But those of you who know me well already no that is a true statement. I can sleep anywhere. I think it’s a blessing, although a couple of times I thought it might have been more of a curse. Anyway, I needed the sleep after getting a little over 3 hours last night. The flight was full and I was glad to have any seat.
Today has been great. Jennifer picked me up, and we went back to their house. Meleah had a day off for teacher workday, so we were able to spend time together. I took her to lunch and we had some good Papa/Granddaughter time. We talked about a lot of things, including Nana. It was a good time together, and well worth the trip even if I wasn’t able to do anything else. It was raining today, off and on, typical south Florida thundershowers. I had planned to go to track practice with Adair and Sean, Twenty minutes before we were supposed to leave it was pouring down rain. Ten minutes later it was sunny and practice was on.
Adair is a great runner. She is only in the 6th grade, but practices and runs with the Varsity team. Normally they train on the track at the West Campus. But because of the weather, they met at the east campus today. The long distance runners just ran a training run. That gave me the opportunity to run with my granddaughter. So we went on a five-mile training run together. It was nice running in warm weather for a change. Now, I have run with both my daughters. I have had many runs with both of them. I have run a marathon with Jennifer, and at least a couple of half marathons with Lisa. Today was the first time that I have ever gotten to run with my granddaughter. As I was running I couldn’t help but think of Julia, and how much she was enjoying watching us run together. Now she wouldn’t have been running with us. But she would be glad we were running together.
After we got back from track practice, we all went out to dinner together. It was just a good time of sharing. Now everybody is getting ready for bed. I have another 4AM wake up to catch the 5:40 flight so that I can get to work tomorrow. Then we have Night of Healing Prayer tomorrow night, So it will be another busy day. This week really is a blur.
Tonight as I sit down and relax I thank God for all my family. I am truly a very blessed man. I have two lovely daughters and four sweet granddaughters. I fly back home tomorrow, but the ability to get to see my family makes this quick trip and this busy week, well worth it.

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