Mondays and Tuesdays always seem busy. I can understand that when I have to work and then go to school. But today I was off, and only had school tonight. But life happens, and things need to get done. I didn’t get to bed until 1AM last night and got up around 8:30. Then I was cleaning, washing clothes and getting ready to go to the Y and work out. I had lunch at John and Biddies, then went by the laundry and came home. I had an appointment to meet a lady who is going to help with the heavy house cleaning at 1:30. Well I met her and we talked and I showed her the house. I don’t know where the time went, but all of a sudden it was after 4PM, and I had to leave for school. My day was gone. I still haven’t started getting the taxes ready. I have to do that this weekend!
School was great tonight. Scott Thompson taught again on healing. Tonight it was on “cracks in our foundations”. He basically taught about scriptures that people use against healing, and how they have been used to rob us of much of what the Father has for us. It was a great teaching. I will probably use a lot of it in my own teaching later. The second part of the night was in our AMTs. I am in prophetic art, and am really being stretched. For homework last week I had to draw a prophetic picture for two people and give it to them explaining what I had drawn. That wasn’t too hard. Well tonight, they pushed us overboard. We had to draw three pictures for three different people in six minutes. Two minutes each, and we were timed. No pressure, right! This was to simulate how we would do it in a prophetic art booth on the street in outreach. It was very challenging, but really fun. We had to draw the picture and in bullet points write out what it meant. We then got to tell the people that we drew what the picture represented.
After that toward the end of the night we had to draw a prophetic picture of ourselves. That was interesting too. So, I don’t know what side of the brain I am using in this. I think it is the left side. I do know that it is the opposite side of the brain that I normally use. It’s interesting in that I felt God tell me He wanted me to draw in Nicaragua. In fact, although I don’t have a lot of artistic talent, I feel I will be using prophetic are in a lot of different settings.
I’m flying down to Ft Lauderdale in the morning on a 7:25 flight to spend the day with Jennifer and the girls. It will be good t see them. I have to fly back on the 5:40AM flight on Thursday morning so I can be at work by 9AM. So it will be a quick trip. The flights look open, so I should be OK both ways. I need to see them this week because March is going to be too busy to get down there.
So life goes on, and I continue to walk out this new path. It is similar in that I know all the people, but it is different in that I am walking it out by myself. No Julia. I have to learn to partner with the Holy Spirit more. I know that that will be great, but it feels a little strange at times. Today, as I was talking with the lady who will be working for me to clean the house, I was telling her about Julia and her death. It all sounded so matter of fact. I wanted to shout out “It’s not right!” but I didn’t. I just told her about Julia, and how much I loved her. I guess all this will get easier. Everyone says it will with time. A part of me wants that, I really do. But another side wants to remember all the passion and all the love. I don’t wasn’t to lose that. So, if I have to have pain to keep that passion and love for her, to keep her memory strong in my heart, then it is well worth the cost.
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