Sunday, April 17, 2011

Last Sunday of Outreach at L5P

It was a beautiful afternoon today in Atlanta. We didn’t leave church until around 1PM, so we didn’t get down to L5P until about 2:30. I was really hoping to see a few of the people that we had gotten to know during the year. I especially wanted to talk with Zen and with Digger again. But today they were nowhere to be found. There were a lot of people down there and we walked around a while. But the focus for today was on our team of First Year Students. We wanted to give them some time to express their feelings and share their testimonies that they had seen over the year down here.

So, at about 3:30 we all gathered in the park and just sat around writing talking and praying. We are all writing in a book some of the best remembrances that we have of the year. I have pretty much documented mine in this blog. Everything from the first arm we saw healed at “Java Lords” coffee shop to the sharing dinner with the homeless and giving “spiritual readings” to a lot of different people. We saw the Kingdom of God manifest many different times in the area over the year.

I believe that what we have left is a legacy for next year to work with. We are digging old wells of revival left in the area by saints gone by. The more we come out, the more we are able to build up the Kingdom in the midst of this chaos. We built on the years before us and next year will build on us. Spencer said something that is so true. He said that we could have had programs and activities that might have won more people to the Lord. We could have had activities that might have brought more healings. But we focused on lifestyle. We wanted the students to develop a confidence in the Lord and His power; a confidence that will allow them to be able to risk no mater where they are. We are training Revivalist. A Revivalist is a person who’s life’s mission is to see the Kingdom of God brought into every area of influence that they are involved in. Programs or activities can’t do this. It has to be done as a lifestyle. So this is our primary goal every time we go out.

I was looking around at the students. They have grown so much. When they first went out, most of them didn’t even want to talk to a stranger. Now all of them are willing to come up to a stranger and give them a prophetic word, or ask if they can pray for healing. No longer is evangelism is done just by “sharing words”. Evangelism is done by releasing the love of the Father and meeting the felt needs of different people. Evangelism is best expressed in releasing the power of God. Most of the people in L5P are searching. They are searching for a God that is real and not just in a book. We have to be willing to risk looking foolish to show them that God.

So the students, all of them, have grown in many areas. So have I. I’m still not the outgoing type that never meets a stranger. It is still hard for me to go up to people. But I do, and I know that when I do I can release the power of God and He will show up. To lead you have to stay ahead. This year at L5P I have had to run to stay ahead of the team. Sometimes I didn’t run hard enough, but for the most part I did. I am thankful for the opportunity this year to be involved.

I have fallen in love with this area and the people in it. Sure, they are weird, but in some ways I am too. So I know that this will not be the end for me. I will be back there to minister to and hang out with the Zens, and Diggers. They need me. There is a destiny to be released in their lives too. God loves them and wants them brought into His Kingdom. I’m a Revivalist, it’s my calling.

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