Today was a long day. It’s 11:30 here, so this is still for Wed, March 10th. We just got to the hotel, and we have to leave at 8:30 in the morning. Well, the morning was easy. I got a 3-mile run in on the treadmill; we had a great leisurely breakfast and then spent some time out by the pool. We came down for the van at 2 PM, but it didn’t show up until 2:40. This is not unusual, so we just hung out in the lobby of the hotel. We drove probably around 40 minutes to an area of Managua that seemed isolated. It was definitely one of the poorer areas of the city. The pastor of the church is Cuban. His church has two services on Sunday morning, It has one on Wednesday night, and it is outside since there is not enough room for the people. We went with an interpreter around to different homes to pray for people who were sick. We saw some knees healed of pain, headaches disappear , back pain disappear, and some abdominal pain healed. We also gave some prophetic words to many people. As we were walking around, you could see the varying degrees of poverty. Most of the homes had concrete floors and bare walls. A couple had dirt floors, tin roofs and walls with big holes to the outside. It made me feel so blessed to have all that we have. The people are very nice, and the healings were pretty significant to them. We visited 6 or 7 homes, prayed for more than one person in most of them, and we probably saw 8 healings. That’s really pretty significant. The other half of our team had the same results.
The service started at 6:30. Well it was supposed to. It really started about 6:50. They had blocked the street off, built a platform, put up lights and put chairs out in the street. By 7:15 there were at least 300 people there.
We had two of us preaching today. A girl named Asha and myself. We were doing an evangelistic service. Her message was strictly evangelistic while mine was about the Father’s heart. So I started, she closed and then we both came together for an alter call. It was really a little bit awkward for me doing that, but it all worked out OK. God’s presence was with me during the message, and things went pretty well. I was thankful for His anointing, because it was really a hard crowd. They pat pretty much expressionless and quiet. Not a crowd to draw emergency from. But the presence of God was strong and I drew my emergency from Him.
We had been warned that they might not respond to ministry time, and they were very slow to react. We did have probably 10 salvations, and probably 40 finally came down for healing prayer. I did pray for a number of people to release the love of the Father into their lives. I don’t know how many healings we had tonight, but there were many.
It was another very good day, and I am exhausted. Breakfast will come early tomorrow, so I think this is it until tomorrow night.
awesome to read this update w/ so many healings and salvation. God is moving and that's exciting.