It's been a long day, but a good day. It's 10pm in Atlanta, and we just took off for Juneau by way of Ketchikan. It will be another 3:30 before we finally get to Juneau, so it will be about a 21 hour day. I feel remarkably good right now. We spent most of the day in the Seattle airport, but we had some good food, and got to drink some Alaskan Amber, my new favorite beer, so it wasn't too bad.
We did have one mishap however. When we went through security in Seattle, Sheryl stumped her little toe against a metal leg while she was barefooted. She has been in pain with it most of the afternoon. Advil helped, but I don't know what more we could do except tape it and ice it if we had been home. But at the airport there was not much to be able to do. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow because she is hobbling right now.
It's exciting to think that in a few short hours we will be in Juneau with all the kids. It's going to be a fun week. It's pretty comfortable right now, we are sitting on the back row of tourist class, but we have an empty seat between us. That allows us to spread out and relax more. This mornings flight was full, but it was still a good flight. I'm sitting here typing on my iPad listening to some of my "oldies". It really doesn't get much better than this on this type of flight. I really am impressed with Alaskan Airlines, they have a good operation and friendly people. They remind me of what Delta was like in the old days.
I guess the holidays really have started for us. No more work or school until after the first of the year. It's time to kick back and enjoy family. It's also time to focus on what the holidays really are all about. We were talking about school today. Sheryl was asking me what I thought about Georgian Banov. I thought he was great and carried an anointing of joy and rest that we all need. Our school is all about freedom, and we have so many different speakers from so many different streams. I loved Georgian and I loved Bobby Conner, but if you listened to them closely, they were on opposite sides of many issues. Who is right? In many ways, they both are. A pendulum swings from side to side, and who is to say at any one time what is right. But there is always a plumb line. It is the line that defines all truth. I believe that the plumb line is that God is Good, and nothing bad comes from Him. The rest I let Holy Spirit sort out as the need arises.
The first semester of school is over. It has been great. I've grown as I taught, prophesied and led.I can't wait to see what is going to happen this next term. Many of the students that I was really concerned about have come through in great shape. I pray that they continue to be strong and grow as much in this next term as they have this term.
Well, I think this is all for tonight. Hopefully I will be able to update tomorrow night, but if things get busy it might be the next day. Enjoy the good weather in Atlanta, it's 34 here all week. I wonder how much snow we will have?
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