It gives you a sick feeling when the agent listing you on you flight says that you are brave to be traveling to SE Alaska this time of year. I guess we are, either brave or stupid. Well, I know this. We are supposed to go, and if my Father wants me to go then I trust Him to help us get there and get back. So, tomorrow morning we begin the journey. Even at best it is going to be a long day. We fly to Seattle and land at 10:51, but we miss the last nonstop to Juneau, so we get to take the scenic route. It stops on two other islands and takes over 5 hours to get there. That will be over 10 hours in an airplane and about 4 sitting in Seattle. Yes it will be a long day even if everything goes right. So I probably won’t be able to post a blog tomorrow night.
I still can’t wait to get there to see them all. We did face time last night and talked to Anna Roan on her birthday. Both of then are so cute, and it is going to be great to see Hernan and Lisa too. Families are a lot of what Christmas is about, and as long as I can travel, we will always try to see them all. But I do admit that this is a little challenging this year. Next year we will definitely go ahead and buy some tickets.
The bast two nights we have had a revivalist from Bulgaria, Georgian Banov. I have never seen a man so down to earth and childlike and yet so full of wisdom and joy. He plays the violin and helped lead worship. It was amazing. He brought the joy of the Lord to our school at a time where we really needed it. He spoke on the finished work of the Cross and all that Jesus bought when He died for us. It’s very simple but very radical to most of the church. He bought it all. We don’t have to work for anything. Think about this quote: “Everything you don’t believe Jesus did for you on the Cross, you have to do for yourself.” That is so true, because we keep trying to do things ourselves that Christ has already paid for.
He constantly spoke of the joy of the Lord, and was releasing a new level of Joy to everyone. I loved this quote: “Religion wants you holy but not happy. The world wants you happy but not holy. Jesus wants you both holy and happy. That’s what I am going after, happy holiness or holy happiness. It really is available and we can walk in it if we just allow ourselves to begin to believe that it is ours. We don’t have to strive for it, it’s not about works, it’s about stepping into it through His grace and His finished work. It’s all about walking in peace and mot striving. My prayer is that I can walk in that peace thorugh all of this travel. I know we are supposed to get there, so I am declaring His favor, and seats for us on all the planes that we need to get on. Alaska here we come!
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