I know that I have written about this before, but it is so important in our walk with Father God that I have to keep bringing it up time and time again. Some things need to be repeated and said a different way, and this is what I am doing tonight. I wonder how many people even dream. Last Sunday Chris talked about going to Wal-Mart and just asking people what their dreams were. He was shocked to find that most of them didn’t have any dreams. I guess that really shouldn’t surprise me. After all, the whole country is in “survival mode”. With the economy the way it is, and high gas prices along with people just trying to hold onto their jobs, dreams fall way down the list.
That’s too bad, because it’s times like these that dreams are even more important. It is a person’s dream that makes them press for more. If they are just trying to survive them nothing gets done except the things that are required to survive. But if that’s all we are living for, then that’s all we will get: survival. Well, that’s not enough, at least not for me. No I want much more. I have dreams that go out for the next thirty to forty years. I might not see them fulfilled, but if I don’t start on them, then no one will be there to continue on. So my question tonight is this: What are your dreams? Have you given up? If so, how can you get motivated to check everything out?
Here are just a few of my dreams. I want to see Bethel Atlanta in its own building and the transformation center functioning at a high level. I want to see BASSM with 300 first year students and 150-second year students. I also want to see the school with a paid staff that is able to push the envelope in the spirit. I want to travel all over the world with Sheryl teaching sozo and setting people free of lies and wounds that keep them from reaching the destiny they have been called to do. I want to see my grandchildren, all nine of them now, reach the destiny that God has for their life. I want to see my kids grow and fulfill the destiny that they have. Each one of them is different; there is no comparing. But they all have a different destiny and calling on their life. I want to see them reach their full potential. I want them to be risk takers for the Kingdom. I don’t want them to be afraid to go after what is on their heart.
I still love that phrase in Braveheart; “ Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.” It takes courage to go against the “American Dream”. As I was writing I began to realize that no where in my dream list was there a new house, or a big yard. Maybe it’s because I’ve been there and done that. But at this point in my life, I begin to see all that He has done for us and I just want to do something for Him. There is nothing wrong with a big house, but where does it lead. If the dream of a big house is part of your dream to expand the Kingdom, then I am all for it.
I suggest that you take an inventory of what your dreams are and how you see them being accomplished. Then write them out and put them in some type of order. I know that hope deferred makes the heart sick, but we can’t not stop pursuing our dreams even though we might be trying to survive. So I ask you to join me to continue to dream a little while. The worst thing that we can do is not to dream, not to have a hope and a future. Our destiny is tied up in our dreams; we must have time for all the hope.
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