Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 216 - Fun at the Beach

It’s been a good day with the kids. We were able to go to the beach for a couple of hours this afternoon. I went with Sean to Starbucks this morning and them got to go on a four mile run this afternoon in the heat. It was hot, but I ran down the road to the beach and by the Inter Costal waterway. Boy there are some big beautiful boats tied up down there. It was a beautiful sight as I ran by them. The water at the beach today was perfectly clear and very beautiful today. After the run, I got into the pool with Meleah while Sean grilled chicken and sausage for dinner. Then we watched a movie together. It has really been a good day with the family.

During dinner we started talking about my post the other night on Mother’s Day 1994. I was shocked when Jennifer and Sean reminded me that that was the first time that Sean had come to meet us, and he and Jennifer were both there that day. We all laughed as I asked Sean about it. Well, Sean’s background was Conservative Presbyterian. He had never been to any other church, and here he was with us at the Atlanta Vineyard on the one day when the Holy Spirit fell so much and all types of manifestations were taking place. I asked Sean tonight what he was thinking. He said He stood there and just closed his eyes. All this “weird” stuff was going on around him. Later he told Jennifer that he still just wanted to be a Presbyterian pastor. I asked him what he thought about us and he laughed and just said you guys seemed normal otherwise so I figured everything would be OK. Anyway, I was surprised that I didn’t remember that. Isn’t it just like Holy Spirit? You bring in strangers who you want to “impress” and that is when everything happens. I love it.

It’s been a quick but very fun visit. I hate to leave tomorrow, but I have to work on Monday morning. Jennifer and Sean have a very nice place, and I know that Julia would love it. It’s in a great location for them, and I am excited for what God is going to do this next year in their lives. Obviously God had other plans and Sean didn’t become a Presbyterian minister. He might not have understood all that God was doing that Mother’s Day, but there was an opening in the Spirit that day and Sean was there. I think it impacted him a lot more than he realized. What it did for him, and what Holy Spirit has done for so many was just give them a little taste; a taste to show them that there is more. There is more and it is OK to begin to seek it.

I have seen so many people just like my son in law. These are people who loved God, but didn’t realize how much more there was to experience. But when they experienced His presence in a new way, even if they didn’t understand, they began a journey. This journey would take them into places that they had never dreamed of going in the past. This journey would totally change their lives. I believe that Mother’s Day in 1994 along with other significant events significantly impacted both Sean and Jennifer’s lives. They have been on a journey. Shoot, they are still on a journey, we all are. It’s been hard at times, but they have come so far. I’m proud of them and can’t wait to see what God does in their lives next.

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is August 15th. Man, where does the time go. I will be back in school in less than a month, and then things really will get hectic. I need to go and see Lisa before school starts. I want to be able to see them too. There is just not enough time to do all that I want to do. But time with family has to be worked into everything I want to do in the Kingdom. It is a priority of the Kingdom and I know that God will help me work everything in that He wants me to do. So, I don’t have to worry, it will work itself out if I just continue to seek after His will in my life. Well, now to bed, it has been a very good day.

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