Saturday, November 12, 2011

Face Time

Today was a good day.  We got up and had coffee in the sunroom.  The sun was shining and all the plants and sunlight made the morning special.   I then went outside and got the leaf blower started.  Then I blew thousands of leaves off the yard and the driveway.  It was cold, but it was rewarding to see a clean driveway and yard.  There was a church craft fair and we went to that.  We bought some items and it was fun as well.  I wanted to leave because I had to work and I still wanted to get a run in before I left.

The run was a lot of fun.  There are many reasons for enjoying Peachtree City but probably for me the best one is living near the trails.  I love running on the cart trails.  I can run a different route almost everything I run.  That is so much fun; to have that much variety.  It’s almost like living by Kennesaw Mountain.  I haven’t enjoyed running as much since I moved away.  I think I can get back into it now.
After that I worked and then came home for dinner.  We watched a movie.  It was “The Green Lantern”  I definitely need to see it again.  There was so much spiritual stuff in it.  I have to see it again just to sort it out.  During the movie I got a call from Lisa.  She just got a new IPhone, and she was calling on “face time”.   If you remember Dick Tracy in the comics, he had a watch where you could talk and see the person you were talking too.  It was pretty far out, science fiction, back then.  Well fiction becomes reality.  Today, with the new IPhones if you are in WiFi you can not only talk, but you can see each other.  Well, that’s what we did tonight.  It was so much fun to be able see Anna Roan and Julia along with Lisa.  It was fun for them to see us as well.  I loved seeing them, and we will definitely have to do that more often.  Tomorrow is an A period with an early getup.  So, I think I will call it a night.  Today was really fun.  I can’t wait until we can do it again.

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