I have always been fascinated with summer and with June 21st in particular. Maybe it is that scientific bent that I had growing up. You know the one that made me think that I wanted to be a engineer. Anyway, I have always been fascinated with June 21st because it is officially the longest day of the year. Sunrise today was at 6:28AM and sunset was at 8:53PM. That’s Fourteen hours and twenty-five minutes of sunlight today. Tomorrow will be a little less and then less and less until December 21st when it will be the shortest day of the year, then the process will begin again. Why is this relevant? I don’t know but I have always looked at these days as days of seasonal change. Sure, we still have the hottest days left, but the promise of cooler weather has started. We just can’t see it yet. It’s the same in December. By then we have had some cold weather bet the worst is yet to come. Yet, the promise of warmer weather has already come, we just haven’t seen it yet.
Isn’t that the way life is, especially in the Kingdom of God? We have the promise of victory. His son has come and taken the keys from the enemy. But we haven’t seen the results yet. It is there and it is coming, but we sometimes have to pass through dark days. If we just look at what is going on right now, we will think that we have failed. We might think we will never see His glory. Yet, the lightning is just over the hill, the sunrise is just behind the cloud. We, no I, am so often caught up by present circumstances that I forget His promises. Sometimes I have to realize that what I don’t see is just as important as what I do see.
I woke up this morning with a different sort of feeling. At first I thought I was trying to be overcome with “the great sadness” again. But I realized that wasn’t it, and as I rebuked it the feeling changed. No, it was a feeling of anger. It wasn’t very strong, and wasn’t aimed at anyone or anything. It was just anger over what I had lost. Anger over what we had all been robbed of, Julia’s presence here on earth. I was thinking of all the things that I really needed her for right now. I was thinking of Jennifer and Lisa and how much they needed her. I thought of her grandchildren, especially Anna Roan and Julia Anne who would never get to know her like they should. I was just angry. Like I said, it wasn’t at God, or any person. I really think I was angry at the enemy. He had gotten in a sneak attack and we lost Julia. Not forever, but her presence right now. I remember John Wimber talking about the Kingdom of God and this present evil age. We are at war. We have won the ultimate victory through Jesus Christ, but we have to fight all the battles to mop up and clean up the earth. He related it to WWII and D-Day. After D-Day, the Allies knew they had won the ultimate victory. Hitler and the Nazis knew that they had lost. But more men were killed after D-Day than in the whole war leading up to it.
We as believers have to face the fact that we are at war. We are commissioned to ring the Kingdom of God down to this earth. Do you think that Satan and his legions are going to stand around and not fight back? We are still learning. So there are casualties. Things that have been sit in motion since the fall of Adam still prevail in this world. Sickness and disease, sin and perversion, death and destruction: all of these and more we have to fight in order to see His Kingdom come. So I have made a choice today. You know it’s always about choices. I have chosen to focus that feeling of anger on my search for Divine Justice for Julia’s passing. I have chosen to join with Papa and continue to press into declaring and decreeing Divine Justice for her untimely passing.
I guess I woke up just thinking how young and full of life she was. All the plans, all the unfilled dreams we had, changed almost instantly. But as I breathe in, I can feel His strength filling me and giving me hope and glory. Even in this anger, I am so in love with Him and I know that He loves me and all those I love. So all I can do is give Him the anger, and ask Him to give me His peace as we go after Divine Justice together.
So, just as I have the promise of fall on the longest day of the year, I also have the promise of His Kingdom come on earth. So Papa, let your Kingdom come as we lift you higher. This is my desire, and I know it’s Julia’s desire.
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