Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Post Number 693

It’s been two years.  Two years since I started this blog.  In the past two years I have made 693 posts.  That means that I have written all but 37 days in the past two years.  The blog has almost 32000 hits on the internet from many different countries over the world.  I don’t think that I have that much to say, but I have been blessed with more people reading it than I ever thought possible.  I didn’t really start to have people read it, but I have enjoyed it.

But, change is inevitable and this is a good time to make the change.  After two years the thought of doing a nightly post is really tiring.  My life has changed dramatically and there is too much going on to keep the quality high.  So, I am doing away with the daily posts.  I tried to do that last year, but I probably wasn’t ready.  Now I am.  I still plan on writing, just not as often.  Hopefully that way, my thoughts will be clearer and there will be greater insight and revelation.  So, for those of you who still want to follow this blog, I suggest the following.  Check the blog twice a week.  I plan to try and post by Wednesday and Saturday each week.  It might vary, but it should be around there, and twice a week should keep you caught up.  That is about what I plan on writing.  Sometimes if things come up I might write more, but probably not less.

I want to thank each of you who have walked with me through this journey and prayed for me.  Your support has been invaluable.  I’m not leaving, I enjoy writing too much, but there are many other things that are taking a lot of my time now, and I its time for a course correction.  Two years has brought a lot of healing.  God is good, and He is in a good mood.  Goodnight.

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